Couples Coaching
Hi, I’m Julie, the founder of Bold & Sacred and your Energy Coach & Intimacy Specialist!
I help couples like you deeply rediscover one another, without defenses or inhibitions, through my scientific and practical approach to intimacy.

My Programs are for you if you're in a Relaionship and:
You’ve lost the "spark" in your relationship and your lives - you're not flirting with each other or excitedly planning for your future. You want to be inspired to reimagine and reshape your lives together and appreciate the little things... like love notes, and whispering in their ear.
You're saying "yes" to requests as a reflex and then feeling resentment (followed by complaining) about being overwhelmed. You'd like to use the word "no" without fear - as a gateway to intimacy- that leads to mutually empowering one another.
You wish you were body positive - and you know you would be - if only your (insert body part) was (bigger, smaller, darker, lighter, straighter, curlier). You want to embody a sense of relaxation and comfort with one another and share more erotic experiences.
You're stuck at a dead end. You're feeling like your partner is more of a "roommate" since you've had kids. It's time to restart "date night" in a whole new way; where you embrace pleasure instead of deny, resist or avoid it.
You're mixing up the word "communication" with "taking turns talking" and just not understanding each other. It's time to clear up problems before you're exhausted. You learn to discover and reveal yourself and be met with curiosity and empathy.
You're spiritually and sexually open-minded, but you’re not about to put a jade egg in your vagina, no matter what Gwyneth says. You'd like to learn new ways to connect intimately; that include using the breath, sound and your you don't put rocks in places they don't belong.
Meet Jennifer & Andrew

This is how transformation happens!
Several years ago, Jennifer, a brilliant and beautiful PhD student came into my office.
She was sad and confused. While conducting research for her dissertation on Italian feminist authors, she was having traumatic memories surface that were interfering with her work and personal life. It was especially challenging because not only were the memories of her own childhood, some of the visuals she was experiencing included images of other women being persecuted, during the historic time period she was researching for her dissertation. In energy healing, this is referred to as "past life" memories.
As you can imagine, it was a very challenging time for her!
In addition, she said she was having a hard time feeling vulnerable with others in her life and holding that vulnerability over stretches of time. She was on a mission to continue her research, procure the job of her dreams and meet a soulmate. While a part of her was hopeful, another part of her felt like she was going to be stuck with this forever.
After 6 months of working with me, she'd had an enormous shift that she attributes to our work together way back in 1999 that she says took place in a loving, kind and compassionate environment that gave her the courage to face it all.
She was able to integrate her personal childhood with the intergenerational trauma of the women in her lineage, so it no longer defined her.
She says she was “more able to connect with the healer within and let her express herself more. She was able to cultivate the most loving and expansive version of herself to hold the trauma and move into more of who she dreamed of becoming.”
And now her life is strikingly different.
She’s married to her soulmate (pictured), she’s an award-winning author, a historian and an associate professor at a prestigious college teaching her passion! She's surrounded by the love and joy that being close to family and friends brings her.
I’m so proud of Jennifer and I’m so grateful I get to do this work I love for a living!
Honor Chemistry in All Areas of Life
Increasing intimacy with your partner has a spider-web effect on all aspects of your life:
- your creativity
- career advancement
- happiness at home
- personal fulfillment
- connection to purpose —- all sorts of things.
If you're feeling stuck in any of these areas of your life, addressing your intimacy is a wonderful place to start.

What's Included in Coaching:
The above discovery call is complimentary. If you decide to move forward after the initial session ($250) into the 3 month program, the level of investment is $2100 paid in full.
This is Your Permission Slip to Want More
You put physical and emotional intimacy on the back burner - and life got in the way. Now that you're ready to reconnect, you don't know where to begin...
You might still be in a little denial about whether you want help with this part of your life. Your mom didn't hire a relationship coach - why would you?! 🤣
Your programming about sex is filled with shoulds and shouldn'ts --- fear, embarrassment, awkwardness --- and it's strangely hardest to talk about sex with the person you're closest to in the world. It feels terrifying.
You're ready for intimacy with your partner to deepen beyond "sparks" and "butterflies" - let's have real conversations to connect in a deeper way.